FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Royal Air Maroc
March 2020
Arch Paths
Destinations / Latin America
Mar 9, 2020

Santiago, Chile, is Open for Business

SANTIAGO, CHILE, SAW POLITICAL UNREST in late 2019, with millions taking to the streets to protest for fairer living conditions, sparked by the government’s announcement of a subway fare price increase and imbalance caused by the country’s market-driven economy. President Sebastian Pinera called for a national peace agreement, requesting more than $2 billion from Chile’s Economic and Social Stabilization Fund over the course of 2019 and 2020 to help end the conflict and repair divisions.


There’s more to travel than just getting there.

March 2020
Mar 9, 2020

Spa Day at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort

I INHALED THE DELICATE SCENT of the sage wafting through the air as I lay motionless on the table, the soft sound of my therapist’s feet grazing the ground as she navigated her way around the dark room, waving a smoldering stack of herbs in rhythm to a soundtrack of ritualistic music. All at once the sounds ceased and the room stilled, signaling the real healing would soon begin.