FX Excursions

FX Excursions offers the chance for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in destinations around the world.
Tag: London
Oct 20, 2022

Afternoon Tea at Claridge’s

During my trip to London, one of the must-do’s on my list was afternoon tea. With so many places to choose from, my husband, friends and I decided to book reservations at Claridge’s Hotel.

Daejeon Prepares for Its Iconic Zero O’Clock Festival

Daejeon, South Korea, looks forward to August 2024 and the return of its iconic tradition, the Zero O’Clock Festival. This year, the event is held Aug. 9 –17 with a time travel theme featuring past, present and future zones. Find events pertaining to each zone’s characteristics in the area of Jungang-ro Street, from Daejeon Station to the former site of the South Chungcheong Provincial Office. These streets will be free of vehicles, and public transportation is highly recommended.

Oct 6, 2022

London Dining Highlights

As I mentioned in my last blog, I recently traveled to London with my husband. If you’ve read my blogs in the past, you’ll know food is my favorite part of travel. This trip was no exception.

Sep 23, 2022

Day Trip to Stonehenge and Bath, England

My husband and I recently traveled to London on vacation. It was the longest trip we’ve taken together since our honeymoon six years ago. There is so much to see in the city, and even though we were busy the entire trip, we didn’t get to everything on our list.

Exclusive Savings: Cruise Along the Danube River with Global Traveler

Exclusive Sailing with Global Traveler

Jul 26, 2022

Attending “The Seagull” by Anton Chekov

A few weekends ago I visited my sister in London, and we secured tickets to see the new adaptation of Anton Chekov’s The Seagull. My sister first came upon the play when she saw promo images while traveling on the Tube, when she recognized Emilia Clarke was starring in the new adaptation. Knowing I love Emilia Clarke and her work, my sister told me about it, and we quickly bought tickets to see the play.